Business Phone Numbers

Choose the right number for your business !

Expand your presence by adding a local or toll-free business phone number, all managed by the same phone system.

Types of phone numbers available

Did you know ?

Your business phone number is no longer tied to a physical phone line. Now your business phone number is simply a unique identifier for people to reach you. With our Advanced Call Routing features, you have the flexibility to optimize your communications.

Keep your Existing Number

Through our seamless porting process, your business phone number is transferred to us without interruption. We take care of the entire process for you!

Local Phone Number

Expand your presence with multiple local phone numbers for each market you target. Several area codes are available in Canada and the United States to choose from.

Toll-Free Numbers

Establish a national presence with a Toll-Free number. Customers endow a larger trust when businesses use a Toll-Free number.

Vanity Numbers

A vanity number spells out a memorable word or phrase. We can help find one for you that relates to your products and/or your business.

Talk with an expert now

Let's face it, we have multiple form of communications to interact with our customers, suppliers and partners.

However, a phone call is still the preferred way when the conversation is important!

Give us a call!